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Triumph des Mutes: Wie wir
Sibylle Barden
The core of technological transformation is the development, adoption, and integration of new technologies into society. This can include advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, and renewable energy.
At its core, technological transformation involves a shift in the way society produces, distributes, and consumes goods and services. This can lead to changes in the structure of industries and the nature of work, as well as the ways in which individuals and communities interact with technology.
Technological transformation can also have far-reaching social and economic impacts, both positive and negative. On the one hand, new technologies can improve productivity, increase efficiency, and enhance quality of life for individuals and communities. On the other hand, technological change can also disrupt established industries and social norms, create new forms of inequality, and pose challenges to privacy and security.
In summary, the core of technological transformation is the ongoing evolution of technology and its impact on society, with the potential to transform virtually every aspect of human life.
The core factors of the global technological transformation include advancements in artificial intelligence, automation, digital connectivity, and robotics. In this transformation, companies play a vital role by driving innovation, developing and deploying new technologies, and adapting their business models to leverage digital tools. They can contribute by fostering technological literacy, investing in research and development, and creating products and services that address emerging needs and challenges in the digital era. I asked pioneers of the technological transformation: How does it work in practice? And got answers from: Destination Earth, an organization that creates the Earth' Digital Twin, from the Swedish start up ClimateView that decarbonises city economies, from Siemens because they have the 'world's best factory', from the Champalimaud Foundation in Portugal, who did the first breast cancer operation in the Metaverse and many more.
Der Tech Pioneer 2020 erobert den globalen Luftraum
Wingcopter ist Tech Pioneer 2020 des World Economic Forums, steht im Guinnessbuch der Rekorde und CEO Tom Plümmer wurde von der Zeitschrift Forbes auf die Liste der “Top 30 under 30" gesetzt.
Bosch: Das erste klimaneutrale Industrieunternehmen der Welt
Bosch ist im Dezember 2020 das erste! klimaneutrale Industrieunternehmen der Welt. An über 400 Standorten hinterläßt das Stuttgarter Unternehmen ab sofort keinen CO₂-Fußabdruck mehr..
Microsoft: Qualifiziert 25 Millionen Menschen kostenlos für Zukunftsjobs
“Wir müssen sicherstellen, dass nach Covid-19 niemand zurückbleibt“, sagt Dr. Marianne Janik, seit zwei Monaten CEO von Microsoft Deutschland. Das größte Softwareunternehmen der Welt startete im Sommer 2020 eine digitale Qualifizierungs-Offensive – mit dem Ziel, 25 Millionen Menschen kostenlose Kompetenzkurse anzubieten, ihnen den Einstieg in zukunftssichere Berufe zu ermöglichen
Christie's: Der globale Kunstmarkt als Spiegelbild der Zeitenwende
“Alle zehn Jahre durchleben Kunst- und Wirtschaftsmarkt eine tiefgreifende Erschütterung", so Professor Dirk Boll, erster deutscher Präsident beim Londoner Auktionshaus Christie's. “Aber diese ist anders." Wie anders, und weshalb die “Pandemie zu einem fundamentalen Umbruch etablierter Verhältnisse führt", darüber spricht der Top-Manager im Podcast “Der Große Neustart”.
Cedrik Neike, Siemens-Vorstand und CEO Digital Industries – Siemens: Die beste Fabrik der Welt
Siemens setzt neue Standards in der Industrie 4.0: Das Elektronikwerk in Amberg wurde vom World Economic Forum zum globalen Leuchtturm.zu einer der besten Fabriken der Welt gekürt. Durch konsequente Automatisierung und Digitalisierung – vom Internet der Dinge, Digitale Zwillinge, Smart Robotics, bis Cloud und Edge Computing.Cedrik Neike, Siemens CEO und CEO Digital Industries: “Größe macht keinen Unterschied.
Pionier in China: Digitalindustrie ist so wichtig wie das Wassersystem
Fabian von Heimburg, Co-Founder Hotnest China, WEF Global Shaper, Forbes 30 under 30 China & Asia, Koordinator für den China-Markt des deutschen Startup-Verbandes, Brückenbauer für Startups in China und Europa. “Wir sind ein Startup in China. Für uns gibt es nur Wachstum.
CEO UnternehmerTUM – Wir haben Europas größtes Gründer- und Innovationszentrum erschaffen
“Wir müssen als Europäer denken und handeln, wenn wir mit Asien und Amerika mithalten wollen", sagt Prof. Dr. Helmut Schönenberger, Gründer und CEO von UnternehmerTUM, Europas größtem Gründer- und Innovationszentrum. Die Schlüsselwörter für diesen Erfolg lauten: Besuch in Stanford, Geburt einer großen Idee, gefolgt von einer noch größeren Investition, um ein digitales Ökosystem zu erschaffen, welches Forschung, Bildung und Unternehmertum vereint.
Founder and CEO of Climate
View – We decarbonize city economies„We enable cities to understand and monitor their emissions, choose the best path to net-zero, and collaborate extensively to implement a comprehensive transition plan. "Tomer Shalit, founder and CEO of the Swedish company ClimateView, named by Fast Company as one of the most innovative companies of 2021.
Director Destination Earth – Creating the Planet's Digital Twin
Destination Earth is a high-precision digital model of the Earth. It is the EU’s flagship initiative to create a digital copy of our entire planet. This replica is actually a digital twin. It is a gigantic task that requires the largest data center in the world to create the most accurate data to combat climate change. "This is how Dr Peter Bauer describes the €7 billion project he is leading.
Champalimaud Foundation: First Breast Cancer Surgery in the Metaverse
Dr Pedro Gouveia, Surgeon of the Breast Unit of the Champalimaud Clinical Centre in Lisbon, performed the first successful breast cancer operation in the Metaverse. While he and the patient were in the operating theatre at the Champalimaud Foundation in Portugal, his colleague was intervening and supervising from the University of Zaragoza in Spain – 900 kilometres away.
The Reinvention of Everything
The FT called him one of Europe’s leading industrialists and transformational leaders - and transforming is exactly what he does. Transforming and reinventing companies, across sectors and across industries. Dreaming big. First as Co-CEO and Chairman at the giant software company SAP and recently, taking A.P Møller-Maersk, the Danish conglomerate that dominates container shipping, into the new era of decarboniziation.
Volocopter: revolution in air mobility
Volocopter is THE pioneer of air mobility. At the Summer Olympics in Paris 2024, the German startup will make history: thanks to the support of French President Macron and Chancellor Scholz, Volocopter will officially deploy its VoloCity air taxi service for passengers.
CEO Dirk Hoke: "We offer the highest security standards worldwide."
Mein Fokus ist die Sinnfrage: Welche Auswirkungen hat das Metaverse, diese digitale 3D-Umgebung, die die reale und die virtuelle Welt kombiniert, auf unseren Planeten, den Menschen, die Gesellschaft? Was ist der Nutzen für die Medizin, Forschung, Industrie, Bildung, Sicherheit, globale Zusammenarbeit? Die Antworten sind durchaus aufmunternd – und relevant für 2023.
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The Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum at Davos is framed by the poignant theme: Rebuilding Trust. This overarching motif reflects a collective recognition among global leaders that trust, a cornerstone of societal cohesion and economic prosperity, has been eroded and needs meticulous reconstruction.
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As the world undergoes seismic shifts—technological, social, and geopolitical—one truth becomes increasingly clear: Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum(WEF), has called this moment in history the “Intelligent Age,” a time shaped by converging technologies like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and biotechnology. But as Schwab wisely observes, “This is a societal revolution, one that has the power to elevate humanity - or indeed to fracture it.”
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